Focus on Relations / Eduardo Chillida

Focus on Relations / Eduardo Chillida

NWMW NPO organized October 10 and 11 of 2022, at the Museum of Cycladic Art,its inaugural event, as part of the Fe26 project, with a series of lectures and screenings. The goal was to approach the relationship between creation, place and matter, focusing on the unique vision of the great Basque artist Eduardo Chillida, whose death marked 20 years in 2022. Chillida diverse and innovative practice spans from small-scale works to prominent monumental public sculptures, exhibited around the world. On the second day, attention was turned to Chillida’s relationship with the Greek sculptor Theodoros Papagiannis, connecting places and fields. Chillida drew from and highlighted his Spanish heritage by championing blacksmithing, ironwork and the craft around forging. Theodoros Papagiannis, is a sculptor who in his work combines both the folk culture and the decorative craftsmanship of his particular homeland, Epirus, as well as the primitivist modernism of the beginning of the last century.

Focus on Relations / Eduardo Chillida
Keyword suggestion: agency, key study...
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