The relationship of each local society with the natural environment is formed within the long duration of traditional culture. People they appropriate the resources of the natural environment through a production system and specific technical systems. These procedures are registered in the space and imprinted on the landscape human activity creates . For Folklore and Anthropology the natural environment does not exist by itself. They mainly examine those elements that the members of a society know about the nature that surrounds them i.e. those that use with the techniques they have developed. The environment, that is, whatever relevant to a given society exists in nature, is a part of the culture of this society and is associated with folk traditions, myths and beliefs. The technology used in the traditional context in wider Greek regions showed relative homogeneity, i.e. there was one common stock of technical knowledge regarding technical procedures with the broader sense. The strategies, however, were developed in each individual region in the context of an inventive economic versatility, led to a different composition, which followed the dictates that set the natural environment and wider economic conditions giving emphasis on different production priorities and individual technical systems (e.g. construction, animal husbandry and agriculture or a combination thereof). The products of this process – material as well as spiritual – are characterized by their locality i.e. their strong local identity. At the most recent period, the “discovery” of the local, of locality, also appears as a reaction to globalization, and more specifically to the fear of loss of the particular local identity. In this context, the interest in the local history and local culture is linked to local development identities and is strengthened by the action of various agencies.
Video –
Evagelos Karamanes: Local societies and natural environment